Migraine Ireland

Migraine Ireland - Not just a headache!

About us

The Migraine Association of Ireland is Ireland’s only patient charity that provides information, support, education, and reassurance to the 600,000 people suffering with migraine and headache disorders in Ireland, whilst seeking further research, better treatments/access to care and increased public awareness of the condition. Our services include

We provide free educational events/courses to help people manage their migraine, and certified HP courses for GPs and other HCPs. In addition, we lobby and advocate on behalf of migraineurs for access to new treatments and better access to care. We operate an information line, provide vital migraine cards and diaries, a member19 magazine three times per year with national and international news of interest to those with migraine. We also create and distribute a variety of informative leaflets, content and resources on our website, social media channels and as requested.

Migraine IS NOT JUST A HEADACHE - Migraine is a complex neurological condition which is classified by the World Health Organisation as the 7th most disabling disease worldwide, the 4th for women. Migraine is the most common neurological condition in the world, affecting about 12 – 15% of the population. It is three times more common in women than it is in men and is usually inherited. On any given day in Ireland over 13,000 people suffer from migraine. It is a very individual condition. Some people experience only one or two attacks per year while others suffer on a weekly basis. An episodic attack can last from 4 to 72 hours. Chronic migraine can be anywhere from 15+ attacks per month! For more information visit www.migraine.ie

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